Our Company

To be the leading global soft drink company

Each day, we boldly move forward together as a Group to realize the dreams of becoming a world-leading next-generation global beverage company by pioneering a fulfilling beverage culture.


Mizu To Ikiru

Water is the source of all the lives on the planet.
We promise and declare to society that we make our living with water.
We embrace nature, enrich our society
and encourage our people to take on new challenges.


Enrich our drinking-experiences to be
more natural, healthy, convenient, and fulfilling,
by leading the next drinks revolution.

CEO Message

Aiming for New Frontiers of Value in Delivering Greater Joy to Our Customers

Kazuhiro Saito

President & Chief Executive Officer

Our business environment continues to change ever-more rapidly. In response, we are executing a variety of initiatives to make a significant leap forward.

Inspired by our founding spirit of Yatte Minahare, we have created many new product categories, fostered new brands, and grown by providing unprecedented value to our customers. We will continue to integrate cutting-edge innovations with Mizu (water), a resource unchanged since ancient times, moving forward without fear to take the lead in offering more natural, healthier drinking experiences.

We will accelerate advancements in products, packaging, and services through upgraded technologies and unique ideas, creating opportunities to expand our business footprint.

Our sustainability initiatives help us contribute toward the creation of a sustainable society. These initiatives include production and logistics that minimize our environmental impact through more efficient plastics recycling, reduced CO2 emissions, and conservation of water resources.

We strive to give physical form to the discoveries we make at the GENBA, where we observe how customers purchase and consume our products. To this end, we will combine the collective knowledge throughout our group across race, nationality, and language, pushing our businesses forward as we aim for new frontiers of value that lead to even greater levels of customer happiness.

History of Locally
Loved Brands

Company Information

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited

Company Name Suntory Beverage & Food Limited
Chairman of the Board Saburo Kogo
Representative Director President & Chief Executive Officer Kazuhiro Saito
Head office TOKYO SQUARE GARDEN, 3-1-1 Kyobashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan
Capital 168,384 million yen
Contents of Business Non-alcoholic beverage and Food business

Suntory Beverage & Food Group

Group companies 101 (as of December 31,2019)
Employees 24,213 (as of December 31,2019)
Consolidated Sales Revenue 1,299.4 billion yen (January 1 - December 31,2019)