
Vending Machine Initiatives

SBF works to conserve energy used by vending machines.

Introduced vending machines (Eco Active Machines) which achieve the lowest energy consumption in Japan(*1)

From April 2014, SBF began installing ultra energy-saving vending machines which achieve the lowest energy consumption in Japan.
By using technology such as twin heat pump systems, ultra energy-saving vending machines reduce the amount of energy consumed by approximately half compared to existing heat pump vending machines.

*1 Achieves the lowest annual energy consumption in Japan among the primary 25 product selection machines offered by major manufacturers in Japan as of April 2014 (according to research conducted by Suntory Foods Limited).

Introduced vending machines (Eco Active Machines) which achieve the lowest energy consumption in Japan(*1)

Introduced vending machines (Eco Active Machines) which achieve the lowest energy consumption in Japan(*1)

Continued improvement by implementing advanced technology

Since 1995, we have implemented various technologies for reducing the energy consumed by vending machines. One example is peak-cut machines which turn off cooling equipment for a certain period of time during summer peak energy usage times. SBF will continually strive to further reduce the amount of energy consumed.

Continued improvement by implementing advanced technology

Continued improvement by implementing advanced technology