
Basic Principles of Suntory Group's Environmental Policy

The Suntory Group positions environmental management as the foundation of its business activities, and is committed to passing down a sustainable and vibrant society to future generations from the perspective of our entire value chain.

(Established 2013, Revised 2015)

1. Achieving water sustainability
As a corporation that espouses the philosophy of Mizu to Ikiru (living with water), we treat water, the most important resource for our business, carefully and contribute to the healthy circulation of water in the natural environment.

2. Taking initiative in conserving biodiversity
As a company that relies on the riches of water and agricultural produce, we strive to conserve biodiversity, the source of their blessings, for the future.

3. Promoting the 3Rs in innovative ways for an effective usage of resources
In order to help bring about a recycling-oriented society, we promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) of raw materials and energy resources by continuously refining our technologies.

4. Mobilizing group-wide efforts to become a low-carbon company
We strive to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases throughout all of our workplaces in order to prevent climate change.

5. Communication with the Society
We strive to pass down vibrant global environment for the next generation by active disclosure of information and engagement in activities through interaction with society.

Environmental Targets

SBF is supported by the blessings of our natural environment and is therefore responsible for constructing a sustainable society. To achieve this goal, we set the new Targets toward 2030.

SBF Targets toward 2030

We have set two targets for reducing environmental impact in our business activities.

(1) Water
● Reduce water use at our plants 15% globally*1
- Reduce water used for washing and cooling manufacturing facilities and containers at plants, promote the reuse of water resources, etc.

(2) CO2
● Reduce CO2emissions at our bases 25% globally*2
● Reduce CO2emissions 20% in the entire global value chain outside our bases*2
- Reduce the weight of containers; promote containers utilizing recycled materials and bio-based materials
- Active implementation of vending machines which consume the lowest amount of power in Japan

*1 Reduction in terms of per unit production based on the assumption of 2015 business domains
*2 Total reduction based on the business fields in 2015

Suntory Group’s Environmental Policy

Established the Environmental Vision toward 2050 -Also defined Targets toward 2030

In 2014, the Suntory Group established the Environmental Vision toward 2050 and revised those targets in 2018 to provide clear direction to its environmental management. In addition, we have also defined Targets toward 2030.

Environmental Vision toward 2050

The Suntory Group has formulated the vision below toward 2050 for the purpose of passing down a sustainable global environment to the next generation around the pillars of water sustainability and climate change measures as a company in harmony with nature.

1. Water Sustainability

  • Reduce water consumption in half at our plants worldwide*
  • Preserve water sources and the ecosystem to cultivate more water than is used by our plants worldwide
  • Realize sustainable water use at primary raw material farms
  • Share the Sustainable Water Philosophy broadly in communities where we are expanding our primary businesses

2. Climate Change Measures

  • Contribute to realizing a decarbonized society to prevent global warming

*1 Reduction in terms of per unit production based on the assumption of 2015 business domains

Targets toward 2030

We have set the following Targets toward 2030 to achieve our Environmental Vision toward 2050.

1. Water

  • Reduce water use at our plants 15% globally by using the latest water conservation technologies*1
  • Conduct water resource cultivation activities in areas with high water stress at more than half of our plants
  • Pursue sustainable water use in cooperation with suppliers for main raw materials with a high water load
  • Expand water enlightenment programs and initiatives to provide safe water to more than 1 million people

2. CO2

  • Reduce CO2 emissions 25% at our bases globally through efforts such as the active adoption of the latest energy-saving technologies and the use of renewable energy*2
  • Reduce CO2 emissions 20% in the value chain outside our bases*2

*1 Reduction in terms of per unit production based on the assumption of 2015 business domains
*2 Total reduction based on the business fields in 2015