News Release

  • No.SBF0959(2020/1/21)

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited Named on CDP A List 2019 for Leading Effort against Climate Change

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF, main office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhiro Saito) is pleased to announce it has been commended for its climate action and reporting, achieving a place on global environmental impact non-profit CDP’s prestigious A List 2019 for leading effort against climate change.
This recognition was announced at CDP World Wide Japan 2019 held at Otemachi Financial City (Chiyoda, Tokyo) on Monday, January 20, 2019.

CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to measure, disclose, manage, and share critical environmental information. CDP environmental information disclosure and its evaluation process are widely recognized as a standard for corporate environmental information disclosure.
In 2019, over 525 investors with assets exceeding US$96 trillion and 125 major companies conducting some US$3.6 trillion in procurement spending requested data disclosure on environmental impact, risks, and opportunities through the CDP platform, with over 8,400 companies responding.

We believe the Suntory Beverage & Food Limited s inclusion on the A List 2019 for Climate Change is recognition of our comprehensive actions related to the environment, including Suntory Group Plastic Policy, which outlines powerful reforms for the achievement of a recycling-based society, F to P Direct Recycling Technology developed in collaboration with suppliers, and our certification by the SBT Initiative* for our Environmental Targets toward 2030.

*About the SBT (Science Based Targets) Initiative
Established in 2015 as a joint initiative by the CDP, the UN Global Compact, the World Resource Institute (WRI), and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The initiative establishes science-based targets for reducing greenhouse effect gas emissions with the goal of constraining global warming to less than 2°C compared to prior to the industrial revolution.

Paul Simpson, CEO of CDP, said: “Congratulations to the companies that achieved a position on CDP’s A List this year, for leading in environmental performance and transparency. The scale of the business risks from the climate emergency, deforestation and water insecurity are vast – as are the opportunities from addressing them – and it’s clear the private sector has a vital role to play at this critical time. The A List companies are leading the market in corporate sustainability, tackling environmental risks and setting themselves up to thrive in tomorrow’s economy.”

The Suntory Beverage & Food Limited has made “Mizu to Ikiru” our promise to society. Based on this philosophy, we have spent many years involved in the conservation and regeneration of the natural environment and working to reduce environmental load. We also are proactively engaged in “Mizuiku”, our nature and water environmental education program.
In 2018, the Suntory Group established our Environmental Targets toward 2030, through which we engage in environmental load reduction activities to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. These activities include reducing water use at our factories and aiming to reduce CO2 emissions throughout our value chain.
We also are using F to P Direct Recycling Technology to proactively adopt the use of recycled plastic bottles as we aim for the use of recycled plastic bottles in over half of all plastic bottles used in the Suntory Group domestic beverages business by 2025. We will continue to further strengthen conservation activities for the global environment as we strive for the realization of a recycling-based society.

We will continue to share this philosophy throughout the more than 300 domestic and international companies comprising the Suntory Group and promote environmental load reduction activities specific to the local environments of each company.

▽Suntory Beverage & Food Limited Website (Environmental Website)

▽About CSR at the Suntory Group

▽CDP Website

▽Science Based Targets (SBT) Website

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