News Release

  • No.SBF0963(2020/2/13)

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited Named on CDP's Water Security A List for Fourth Consecutive Year

- Double A List ranking for both Climate Change and Water Security -

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF, main office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhiro Saito) is pleased to announce it has been named to the CDP A List for Water Security 2019 for in recognition of its water resource development activities and plant water reduction activities. This marks SBF’s fourth consecutive year being named to the prestigious list created by the CDP, a global NPO for environmental data disclosure. This also represents dual recognition for SBF, which was named to the A List 2019 for Climate Change earlier this year.

CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to measure, disclose, manage, and share critical environmental information. CDP’s annual environmental information disclosure and evaluation process are widely recognized as a standard for corporate environmental information disclosure. In 2019, over 525 investors with assets exceeding US$96 trillion and 125 major companies conducting some US$3.6 trillion in procurement spending requested environmental data disclosure on through the CDP platform, with over 8,400 companies responding.

We view this honor as the comprehensive recognition of initiatives SBF conducts in local communities in accordance with the Suntory Group Sustainable Water Philosophy. These initiatives include hydrological cycle surveys conducted by the Suntory Institute for Water Science, water cascading* at plants to reduce water use and water risk evaluations for areas surrounding plants, our scientifically-backed Tennensui no mori activities to develop water resources, and the Mizuiku initiative.
SBF views this honor as recognition The CDP A List 2019 for Water Security

*Cascading is a technique for categorizing cooling or washing water used in manufacturing processes into grades (washing levels) and entails the stratified reuse of water from applications requiring higher grades of water down to applications where lower grades of water are acceptable.

SBF has made “Mizu to Ikiru” our promise to society. Based on this philosophy, we have spent many years involved in related to water, including activities for conserving and regenerating the natural environment and working to reduce environmental load. We also are proactively engaged in “Mizuiku”, our environmental education program dedicated to teaching future generations about nature and water.
The Suntory Group outlined its Sustainable Water Philosophy in January 2017 as a basic philosophy for conducting activities related to water. The entire Suntory Group, including overseas Group companies, shares this philosophy and approach to water. The Suntory Okudaisen Bunanomori Water Plant acquired the "Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS)" certification, the first in Japan to receive certification in relation to sustainable water use in the basin surrounding the plant. Most recently, the Suntory Kyushu Kumamoto Plant also earned this certification.
In 2018, SBF established Environmental Targets toward 2030, through which we will aim to reduce water use at Suntory plants and reduce CO2 emissions along our entire supply chain. The Suntory Group will continue to contribute to a sustainable society by engaging in various environment load reduction activities.

We will continue to share this philosophy throughout the more than 300 domestic and international companies comprising the Suntory Group and promote activities specific to the local environments of each company in order to contribute to the conservation of water, the most previous resource for our business.

▽Suntory Beverage & Food Limited Website (Environmental Website)

▽About CSR at the Suntory Group

▽CDP Website

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