Disclosure Policy

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (the Company) works to consistently provide information to shareholders and investors in a transparent, fair and timely manner.
In addition to disclosing information in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan and securities listing regulations determined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company actively discloses other information it believes will foster a better understanding of the Group.

Disclosure Methods

The Company discloses important information that requires timely disclosure, as stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, via the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s timely disclosure information system (TDnet) after first providing disclosure details to the exchange. Information registered on TDnet is rapidly distributed in identical format to media institutions. The Company also releases the same information on its website without delay.

Earnings Forecasts and Forward-looking Statements

All information on this website related to the business plans, forecasts and strategies of the Company and its Group companies, other than statements of historical fact, constitute forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the reasonable judgment and assumptions of the Company using information currently available. Actual results may differ materially to forward-looking statements due to uncertainties, economic conditions and other risks.

Quiet Period

To prevent leaks of earnings information and ensure fairness of disclosure, Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF) sets a "quiet period" that extends from the day following the end of a fiscal quarter to the day of an earnings announcement for that fiscal quarter.
During this quiet period, we refrain from making comments relating to earnings information or answering to questions.
However, SBF will disclose events that occur during quiet periods if they are subject to the rules for timely disclosure.