Management Strategy

Corporate vision and promise

We promise and declare to society that we make our living with water, which we call Mizu to Ikiru. We embrace nature, enrich our society and encourage our people to take on new challenges.
In addition, in the light of recent changes in the business environment, such as shifts in social conditions and rising health-focus among consumer needs, we have set our vision to “Enrich our drinking-experiences to be more natural, healthy, convenient, and fulfilling, by leading the next drinks revolution.”

Medium-term strategy

Establish a unique position, moving one step ahead of consumer trends, in the global beverages industry.
Our aspiration is ¥2.5 trillion revenue by 2030 to be achieved organically by outperforming the market as well as through incremental growth from new investments.
Aim for profit growth which outpaces revenue growth.

In order to achieve these, the Group will proactively develop business in line with the following key strategic pillars.

<Growth strategy>
First Mover – Organic growth

- Double down on core brands through innovation
- Innovate future categories

Game changer – Inorganic growth

- Go beyond RTD (Ready To Drink)
- Expand into new markets
- Accelerate M&A investment


- Accelerate `Centers Of Excellence` and `DX`
- Establish Asia-Pacific Region to unlock growth

<Structural transformation>

Vending machine business transformation in Japan
On-premise business transformation in Europe

In addition to above, the Group will contribute to local societies through accelerating sustainability initiatives.

Medium-term plan (2021-2023)

Organic growth
Revenue : CAGR mid-single digit growth
Operating Income : CAGR above 10% growth
Operating Income Margin : Achieve 10% by 2023

Target to surpass 2019 Revenue and Operating Income level in 2022
* Base year: 2020, on a currency neutral basis

Inorganic growth

Accelerate M&A investment

- Maximum net debt equity ratio 1x (Approximately ¥700 billion)
- Allocate ¥200–300 billion for investment